domingo, 19 de junio de 2016




Dear students, I would really appreciate your opinion about the English class. Your impressions may be different from mine. I can only try and modify things if I become aware of whatever I may have missed. So, please, feel absolutely free to comment about any aspects related to the English class or the teacher . Quite often people and the way they do things make the difference (that refers to the teacher).
You may like to comment about any of the following :
Material used in class (books, videos, tests, etc)
Class work
Teacher’s communication style.
Method used in class
Interaction teacher-students
Students’ participation in class
Other activities, tasks or projects, done or not done.
Thanks for your contribution.

 Firstly, I have to say this year has been nice because I met this teacher three years ago and I have been very confortable in the class.
I have liked the idea of use a lot of videos and we need to use the book to learn more. The tests have not been any problem to me.
I have worked a lot in the class and I always do my homeworks.
I like the method used in class but, sometimes the interaction teacher-students have been bad because some people don't talk educationally. I  think everybody have participated in class and I liked the activity in the centre of Malaga.

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