martes, 20 de junio de 2017

TASK #14
TITLE: My apraisal of the English class
DEADLINE: 21 June at 10.00 pm

INSTRUCTIONS: PLEASE, WRITE a critical commentary of the English class. Say what you liked and also what you consider could be different and/or better/more useful. PLEASE, feel free to comment on the English teacher too: his communication style, the way he gives instructions or explain things, etc.

This year I have learnt a lot of things about English thank of the teacher but I'm going to say some disadvantages of it.

Firstly, I think that three hours are a little to study a language but the teacher doesn't have the responsability of this.

Secondly, I recommend him speaking more in English than in Spanish because if we are more time listening and speaking in English, we will learn more.

In addition, we don't have a lot of homework so, I prefer to do more exercises to practise it at home.

On the other hand, he teaches fantastic and also, I love his way using the computers.

To conclude, I have to thank him because he's a very good teacher and all the class have learnt a lot of English.

viernes, 2 de junio de 2017

TASK #13
TITLE: Unit test 7 Speaking task 
DEADLINE: 2 June at 10.00 pm

INSTRUCTIONS: WRITE an essay following the instructions below. Then UPLOAD it on your blog and RECORD it and send it to my email address

PLEASE, change the title to  1Bachtask#13namesurname
Topic: The World's economy can only keep growing if more and more stuff is produced and sold. The planet's resources are limited and the damage inflicted upon nature may be irreparable. Knowing this, in your opinion, what could an ethical shopper do realistically? Would you do what you say can be done?
(Make your essay at least 120 words long.)
Nowadays, global warming is going worth because of many reasons like carbon emisions. We have created this problem and we can find a solution to reduce it.
Firstly, we could use glass bottles instead of plastic because the plastic ones are created by petrol and it polluted a lot. If many people do it, the global warming will be reduced. I do it because I hate plastic bottles.
In addition, we can use bikes more and go by foot instead of using our single cars. Also, if you need to go further you can use the bus. I go walking everywhere but, if it is far I go by car.
Furthermore, we can drink water from the tap instead of buy it in the supermarket. I couldn't do this because I don't like tap's water and it can produce ilnesses.
To conclude, we can do a lot of things to reduce the carbon emisions. If everyone reduce his carbon footprint, the world will be better.